Friday, July 11, 2014

Free! Iwatobi swim club


Yes, they are back (;u;) Those swimming babies are back <(;u;)9
Happy? Well I am :3

And yes, as usual... Mako being Mama like Suga from Haikyuu! Lolz :v 
Nagisa being a penguin-- I mean being a cute shota as always (^^;;;)
Rin still a shark-- I mean, he still have his shark teeth! (;u;) [Don't kill me please (;u;)]
Haru.....Still the same :v
And Rei.... Still fabulous (⊙‿⊙✿)


New characters!
Sosuke Yamazaki 
visit his wiki: Sosuke's Wiki
Momotarou Mikoshiba
visit his wiki: Momotarou's wiki


Any favorite among those swimming bro's? :3 Please do tell me :3
My favorite is Haru and Momotaru by the way ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

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