Friday, July 11, 2014

Cosplayer Reika!



Name: Reika
Age: Unknown (^^;;)
Gender: Female
Country: Japan


Yes, I thought Reika was a ... bro (;u;) but she's not... (;u;)
[Too bad (;;u;;)]
She cosplay's guys so kakoii that she's even hotter than 
real boys (;u;)

Then again, We still have our own opinions (=w=;;) 
She's really an amazing cosplayer, no? 
It's hard to cosplay.... if you're not fit to the character (;u;) (Specially the gender (;u;))
But she cosplays those dudes like a bossu~!

I admire! >:D



Bio: Mine (^^;;) So please correct me if I'm wrong (^^;;)
Opinion: Mine (^^;;) Please tell me if I said something wrong (^^;;)
Links to Reika's account: Reika's official facebook page
Photos: Reika's official facebook page

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